Recently, James Aspey, world renowned vegan and animal rights activist, got into a heated discussion with a Christian man while James was speaking at an event. The whole argument that the man kept trying to make was that animals were created for his use. Often times when James presented the man with a sound response, the man would change his own argument, agree with James on many points, and then go right back to saying animals were created for his needs and nourishment. The whole exchange was interesting to me because I am a Christian, and I totally disagree with the man for several reasons.
Humans DO Not Need Animals for Nourishment
Everything we need, including protein, can be achieved by eating a plant based diet. There have been countless studies that show that by adopting a plant based diet people live longer, are healthier, happier, and less disease stricken. Research published by The National Center for Biotechnology concluded that "vegan diets seem to provide some added protection against obesity, hypertension, type-2 diabetes; and cardiovascular mortality."
In the Beginning
Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food. And it was so." Genesis 1: 29-30 (NIV). When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, God commanded that they eat seeded fruit and green plants. Those were His words. To me, this says that this was God's original design, but after the fall of man, death and destruction became part of the natural life cycle. Predators killed prey, and the life of one living thing depended on the death of another. I believe veganism is closer to God's original plan and design.
Factory Farming and Slaughterhouses
It seems like every day there are countless stories, images, and articles about animal abuse and torture. Whistleblowers often record first hand accounts of the relentless abuse that animals endure for the sake of being food for humans. In a recent Compassion Over Killing (COK) undercover investigation at Mason Dixon Farms, gentle mother cows were violently abused. Uncover footages shows: cows being kicked in the face, punched in their udders, continuously shocked with an electric prod, jabbed with pens and elbows, and having their tails painfully twisted or bent by workers. Because of their hazardous living conditions, they were also repeatedly getting stuck on water troughs or inside stalls. People can continue to make the argument of "animals were put here for our use" all they want, but use does not equal abuse. I think it is great when I see seeing eye dogs being eyes for their owners, or pets providing therapy and making people's lives better by bringing happiness and joy to families. I certainly don't think the God whom I love and in whom I believe, the God of love and compassion, is pleased with animal cruelty, slaughterhouses, or factory farming where these types of atrocities occur every day behind closed doors. These animals are living, breathing creatures with feelings and emotions. They experience joy and pain. They have families, but sadly often times they don't have a voice. "The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel." Proverb 12:10 (NIV) Please share your views below!
Troy Garner
5/7/2018 01:02:49 pm
You’ve got the right perspective regarding Christianity and veganism. My wife and I are vegan as of 2 1/2 years ago. First was for our health, then the issue of animal cruelty came to light. There is such an opportunity for Christians to bring Christ to the vegan community. For the most part, the vegan community is very spiritual.. Of course that’s not going to get them to heaven. They have compassion for animals but at the same time, many times, place them above their own lives. Again, thank you for your thoughts. I just read where Franklin Graham became vegan as of the end of 2017! That’s incredible. All for God’s glory.
The Sensible Vegan
5/8/2018 03:31:15 pm
That is wonderful. Thank you for sharing this. I totally agree with you. I did not know that about Franklin Graham. That's incredible!
8/12/2020 06:56:19 am
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About Tabatha JamesTabatha James is a wife, mom, and children's book author navigating her way through a vegan way of life! Vegan Archives
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